Tithes & Offerings

Here are some ways that you can help support the vision and mission of Immanuel Baptist Church with your tithes and offerings. There are three options to help you continue to give.

1. Mail your check to the church.
Immanuel Baptist Church
P.O. Box 1281
Monticello, AR 71655

2. Drop your check or cash in the offering plate on the table outside of sancutary.
Office Hours
8:00 AM - 2:00 PM

3. Utilize our new online/digital giving option through Givelify.
Download the app on any smart phone or device and follow the onscreen prompts. Check out the instructional video below to help with setup.


IBC Monticello 1 | Updated 11/13/2019 | Edited and Maintained by A.J. Huffman | Theme by Brian Gardner